About Me

At the age of 13 I first got in contact with HAM-Radio. My cousin in the Netherlands had a mobile TRX in his car and I was quite fascinated about wireless communication. But the fact, that there was an examination to be donne to follow this hobby scared me a little bit. So I started first with CB on the 11m-band. After some years I wanted to proceed in my hobby and so I started to learn for the HAM-examination. On October 17th 1995 I got my licence and since then I am QRV. First on VHF/UHF and later also on HF (mostly 40m and 20m). You can also hear me on WIRES-X / C4FM. Mostly on Swiss Connect (28878) or Hobbyscoop-NL (27363). This alows me to get in contact from any QTH with HAMs all over the world, especially whith the foreign friends I met at HAM-Radio in Friedrichshafen or on other occasions or in the Netherlands. As half Dutch half Swiss, I am very often in the Netherlands (region North Brabant). There I am QRV with the call PA9ZGZ. I am a member of USKA (Swiss Union of Shortwave Amateurs) and VERON.